Importance of figures of speech in literature

Though common in use in the native language, the teaching of figures of speech plays an important role to the esl english as a second language learner. You will probably remember many of these terms from your english classes. Andrew marvell, to his coy mistress figure of speech examples. The term is sometimes used for pathetic fallacy to refer to the attribution of feelings or thoughts to subhuman things e. In this lesson, you will discover how people communicate through figures of speech. In serious poetry and prose, however, their use is more fully conscious, more artistic, and much more subtle. The world of nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of figures of speech or images as they are also called, and poets and writers have always drawn freely from this storehouse. In truth, there are a wealth of these literary tools in the english language. Figure of speech definition and examples of literary terms. Figures of speech a figure of speech expresses an idea, thought, or image with words which carry meanings beyond their literal ones.

Here is keats using figures of speech to share with us the awe and wonder he feel. A figure of speech is a word or phrase that possesses a separate meaning from its literal definition. The following list contains 25 common literary techniques and figures of speech. These are present in all languages, and children of all cultures develop this metaphorical awareness at home. Figures of speech are a very important method of communication in our society. Figures have been used by poets to decorate their language and to make it more vivid and pictorial, to increase its force and effectiveness, and to communicate their meaning more lucidly and clearly. More restrictively, literature refers to writing considered to be an art form or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, and sometimes deploys language in ways that differ from ordinary usage. Literary devices in the importance of being earnest by. A figure of speech is an expressive use of language such as a simile or a metaphor. A figure of speech in which a writer or speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is. Improve your writing by using figures of speech writers treasure. Why is figure of speech important in english literature. Literary devices in the importance of being earnest pun epigram an epigram is a short, witty, and sometimes contradictory statement that usually ends with an ingenious turn of thought.

Figure of speech definition and examples litcharts. Reading fiction, poetry, drama and the essay wrote. The slippery slope is in reality a hazardous trip on mud, ice, and politics. In seeking to understand the scriptures, it is important to recognize figures of speech. When writers have a keen eye on important details in your essays such as spelling, grammar, etc. To me, however, literature serves as a gateway to learning of the past and expanding my knowledge and understanding of the world. For all these reasons figures of speech are crucial means of examining the transactional nature of discourse. Personification is an imperative figure of speech and by applying this literary tool, the ideas, animals and objects get human qualities. Literary devices, techniques and figures of speech reading passages both long and short include questions about the authors use of literary techniques and figures of speech tools authors use to convey meaning or to lend depth and richness to their writing. Epizeuxis is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is repeated in immediate succession, with no intervening words. It can be a metaphor or simile, designed to make a comparison.

A trope uses a word in an unusual or unexpected way. Figures of speech figures of speech use words to create particular visual images and sound effects. Some examples of common figures of speech include the simile, metaphor, pun, personification, hyperbole, understatement, paradox and. These can be used as a literary device within a written text in order to explain something in a more artistic sense or they can be used in english speaking. A metaphor compares two things by suggesting that one thing is another. Importance of figures of speech in creative writing. Figures of speech allow us to assess, interpret and critically analyze not only the writers attempt. The importance of teaching figures of speech to esl learners. In the play hamlet, when hamlet responds to a question about what hes reading by saying words, words, words, thats an example of epizeuxis. It can be the repetition of alliteration or the exaggeration of hyperbole to provide a dramatic effect.

Learn figures of speech english literature with free interactive flashcards. This article will show you the importance of figures of speech and how to use them. The graves a fine and private place, but none, i think, do there embrace. Figures of speech are an essential element of clear communication. This video lesson illustrates the common figures of speech in english, with definitions and examples from various spheres of real life as well as literature. Figures of speech are traditionally classified into schemes, which vary the ordinary sequence or pattern of words, and tropes, where words are made to carry a meaning other than what they ordinarily signify. Figures of speech are formed by a set of words that come together causing alterations in the traditional syntax so to emphasise, exalt feelings or provoke an idea. Give the importance of the use of figures of speech in english literature 1. A figure of speech or rhetorical figure is an intentional deviation from ordinary language. Clear definition and great examples of figures of speech. In this case, figures of speech, specifically symbol, metaphor and simile have an important role, as they include figurative meaning of words besides their literary meaning. A figure of speech is a word or phrase which is used to describe something in a nonliteral sense.

The importance of figures of speech in general, the purpose of a figure of speech is to lend texture and color to your writing. Form of hyperbole, in which a more importantsounding word is used in place of a more. It, in fact, provides emphasis, clarity or freshness to expression. Figures of speech in poetry terms flashcards quizlet.

Figure of speech english literature most important notes. Effect and importance of personification in literature. Choose from 500 different sets of figures of speech english literature flashcards on quizlet. It evokes comparison, heightens emphasis, and clarifies a new way of stating an idea or description. The term figuratively speaking derives from figurative language, just as literally speaking. This is itself a figure of speech, since figures of speech dont actually change the colors or textures on the page. A figure of speech or rhetorical figure is an intentional deviation from ordinary language, chosen to produce a rhetorical effect. You will learn some different types of figures of speech. Sam cox, none english literature, texas tech university.

Whether you are conscious of it or not, you use figures of speech every. Metaphors and similesare the two most commonly used figures of speech, but hyperbole, synecdoche, and personification are also figures of speech that are in a good writers toolbox. Figures of speech commonly used in literature neoenglish. Figure of speech is not only used to embellish the language, but also cause a moment of excitement when reading. Used well, figures of speech greatly enhance your fiction, and can be a very economical way of getting an image or a point across, but used incorrectly, they will confuse the reader. Thats why idioms become powerful figures of speech. You could say babe ruth was a decent ballplayer, the reporter said with a wink. They specify between different shades of meaning and give more accurate descriptions. Schemes and tropes are figures of speech, having to do with using language in an unusual or figured way. A figure of speech is a use of a word that diverges from its normal meaning, or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it such as a metaphor, simile, or personification. Give the importance of the use of figures of speech in. There are a wide range of figures of speech but here we want to show the essential ones used in english poerty.

Figurative language, such as metaphors and personification, deviates from the literal meaning of words for the sake of more interesting writing. Figures of speech give extra dimension to language by stimulating the imagination and evoking visual, sensual imagery. Its a direct comparison between two things, and this is important, those two things must not be similar. First and foremost, literature opens our eyes and makes us.

It is rare that a hyperbole is to be taken literally. What are the main figures of speech in poetry 9 steps. Metaphors and similes are the two most commonly used figures of speech, but hyperbole, synecdoche, and personification are also figures of speech that are in a good writers toolbox. In this article, symbols, metaphors and similes in george orwells animal farm were studied to find out the effect of using figures of speech. I need to look for my watch, but i dont have the time. Figures of speech often provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity. Figures of speech in english vocabulary grammar lessons.

In the latter, they are usually used to compare something, give advice or create a less. Importance of figures of speech in creative writing will be able to importance of figures of speech in creative writing deliver to you a wellwritten document. Though common in use in the native language, the teaching of figures of speech plays an important role to the esl english as a second. Greetingcard rhymes, advertising slogans, newspaper headlines, the captions of cartoons, and the mottoes of families and institutions often use figures of speech, generally for humorous, mnemonic, or eyecatching purposes. Poetice devicesfigure of speechliterary devices for. Figures of speech are the uses of language to achieve special effects or meanings. Irony situational irony situational irony occurs when there is a discrepancy between what is. It is used equally in writing as well as in speech. A figure of speech is a rhetorical device that achieves a special effect by using words in distinctive ways.

In we underline what the most important figures of speech in poetry are. Compares one thing to another of a different kind, and yet alike in some significant way for e. In serious poetry and prose, however, their use is more fully. Learning figures of speech, like similes, metaphors or personification in english, helps the learners to improve their understanding of the figurative aspect of the language while also exposing them to the use and understanding of cliches and slangs. Figures of speech are commonly identified as figurative language or metaphorical expressions. Above all, a modern rhetorician would insist that the figures, like all elements of rhetoric, reflect and determine not only the conceptualizing processes of the speakers mind but also an audiences potential response. The special emphasis is typically accomplished by the users conscious deviation from the strict literal sense of a word, or from the more commonly used form of word order or sentence construction. Figure of speech ke sare confusion door kare up lt grade dsssb rpsc second grade rpsc first grade net english literature notes subscribe the channel important figure of speech simile figure. A figure of speech is a word or words used as literary devices to evoke literary sensibility in language written or oratory as embellishments by comparison with a concept sense with concrete or abstract images,sounds in mild or mega magnitude as aesthetics in literature. Literature, most generically, is any body or collection of written works. Here are just a few reasons why literature is important. Almost all the figures of speech that appear in everyday speech may also be found in literature. Types of figures of speech with examples from literature. Explicit instruction, however, is needed for ells to.